Faculty, Counselor Education and Supervision

Faculty, Counselor Education and Supervision


在cacrep认证的咨询硕士项目中担任核心教员,并有机会教授咨询教育和监督博士课程. Collaborates with the dean, other faculty members, 和教职员装备大使命基督徒,在多元文化社区服事,并完成大学的使命,以圣经的世界观教育学生,以基督的信息影响国家. 追求这一使命,并致力于CIU的教育理念,全面的生活培训,整合学术卓越, spiritual formation, and ministry skill development, under the authority of Scripture. 专注于硕士和博士阶段的咨询和监督课程的教学, with a course load of 21 credits per year. 支持大学的使命,核心价值观和信仰声明是必需的. 鼓励对偏远职位(需要三个住宅组成部分)感兴趣的申请人申请.


  • 课堂教学:在课堂教学和临床督导方面做到精益求精, 包括熟练掌握住宅和在线教学技术.
  • 学生关系:为研究生提供有关大学要求和就业机会的建议. 通过适当地参与学生活动和小组,指导学生和培养师生关系. 可以为博士论文提供指导和支持吗.
  • 机构代表:与招生办公室合作,代表SSM向关注咨询师和咨询师教育的目标受众提供服务, representing CIU to the community at large.
  • 专业参与:参加专业协会, research, 以及支持所教授专业学科的奖学金.
  • Personal growth: Model Christ-like character and conduct; exhibit growth in areas of personal challenge.
  • 项目评估:与同事合作,利用课程开发中的最佳实践知识, classroom instruction, and student supervision. Collect, retain, 向认证机构传播课程和项目数据,保持专业标准.


  • 了解临床咨询和监督的学科领域.
  • 了解并熟练使用住宿和在线教学技术和课程开发.
  • 擅长公开演讲、教学和书面交流.
  • 具备教授各种心理咨询核心课程的能力
  • 在临床咨询实践和监督模式和实践中证明了有效性.
  • 表现出对团队合作的承诺和团队决策模式.
  • Demonstrated ability to identify and integrate faith, spirituality, 并将圣经知识与内容结合到辅导的理论与实践中.
  • Earned doctorate (Ph.D.) in Counselor Education and Supervision from a CACREP-accredited institution; ABD will be considered.
  • 南卡罗来纳有执照或有执照资格的专业咨询师和lpc主管.
  • Experience in church-related ministry preferred.
  • 致力于跨文化事工(有跨文化事工经验者优先).
  • 有信仰辅导教学经验者优先.


CIU provides a benefits package that includes:

  • Health Plan;
  • 401(k) plan with match opportunity;
  • 100% of employee’s cost of group life insurance;
  • Long term disability insurance;
  • Vacation days, holidays, sick leave, family leave;
  • 教育福利:学前班-研究生学费减免.

Interested and qualified candidates will complete the CIU Employment Application.

Columbia International University
Seminary and School of Ministry
Time Period
40 hours/12 months

CIU Employment Application CIU Global (Online) Adjunct Application 库克商学院的常驻助理申请 艺术与科学申请学院的常驻助理 护理应用学院住院护理助理

Supplemental Form and Instructions

CIU教师职位需要提交一份简历(CV)。. Once you have completed your online application, 你将有机会提交求职信和简历.

Instructional Staff Supplement Form (PDF)

Ben Lippen Employment Application (PDF)

BLS Online Studies Adjunct Application

如果您正在申请Ben Lippen的职位,并且无法下载Ben Lippen的应用程序, please contact Human Resources at humanresources@saumonerie-saint-ferreol.com or 1-800-777-2227 ext. 5009.